Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Purpose of This Site

To me, this website is a grand experiment. I have maintained a personal blog for nearly three years, as of this post, and have noticed some trends on the personal blog. First, I have noticed that certain of my posts tend to get hit by Google searches on a fairly regular basis. Second, I have noticed that there are occasionally topics that I want to post about, but that do not at all suit my intended audience. This blog is a blatant attempt to exploit the first trend and address the second trend.

The purpose of this blog is as an outlet for me to post information about things I happen to know for whatever reason that the vast majority of people do not care about, but that a targeted few might care deeply about. Each post will target a different audience, but every post is something that I care enough about to be reasonably knowledgeable in it.

As an example of what to expect, for my first round of posts I anticipate writing on how to value a company's stock, how to make a good potato salad, and what to expect if you are about to have laparoscopic surgery to remove a gallbladder. I have also noticed that commentary on minor news events gets a lot of Google traffic, so I intend to do some of that as well.

My incentive to continue this site is that this gives me an opportunity to test Google's Ad Sense and see how effective it is. I don't want to put Ad Sense on my personal blog because I don't want my friends to think I am trying to make a cheap buck off them. I do not anticipate making a lot of money in this endeavor, but if I can eventually average five dollars a month in clickthroughs, that will mean a $100 check every year and a half. I very much like the idea of receiving this type of small residual income, so this is my first stab at getting one.

If I determine after a long while that this site is not going to realistically provide the residual I expect once I have a large catalog of content, I will probably close it. I am requesting, though, that no one clicks multiple times on advertiser links because I don't want to contribute to click fraud or get flagged for it either. That will bring this experiment to a very swift close.

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